Afghanistan inaugurates new parliament

Afghanistan inaugurates new parliament
Afghanistan's new parliament was inaugurated in Kabul on Wednesday, four months after a national election, which critics said was marked by massive fraud.

Inauguration ended a political stalemate between President Hamid Karzai and the parliament.

Karzai announced the opening on Monday, when the Afghan Supreme Court sent word that you do not pray in the living room of the Parliament after negotiations between Karzai and the parliament for the prosecution of crimes arising from the elections last year.

Karzai had refused to swear allegiance to the new parliament until a court electoral process which he founded in December to review complaints against loss of applicants. He had refused two previous requests from legislators to abolish the right of members of the National Assembly say is unconstitutional.

Trade between Karzai and the parliament said the criminal proceedings arising from the elections is based on the Afghan constitution and election laws and that its members will continue to immunity. Include references to "special court".

United States has welcomed the inauguration on Wednesday.

"The seats in Parliament is an important step in the development of Afghan democracy and a very important moment for Afghans bravely cast their vote in September last year," said White House National Security Council spokesman Mike Hammer said in a statement.

"A constructive dialogue and cooperation with the Office of the President of Afghanistan and the newly elected parliament members in Afghanistan demonstrates the commitment to ensure that the future of the Afghan people and democratic principles are the priority," says Martello.

U.S. Department of State also praised the opening ceremony.

"We recommend that voters, in particular, which has resolutely and courageously supporting peace and democracy despite enormous challenges," said the spokesman of the State Department Philip J. Crowley.

Last week, the office of President Karzai announced the delay of a month for starters and colleagues, saying in a special court for electoral fraud will take more time to examine the complaints of the losing candidates. The decision drew criticism from the UN mission in Afghanistan, and analysts fear could trigger ethnic divisions and violence.

Afghanistan, the current electoral bodies, independent electoral commission and appeal to the Electoral Commission, examined the results of elections last year. In November, the Electoral Commission of Appeal has thrown more than a million votes in 3,000 polling stations because of suspicions of fraud.