Al-Turabi’s family decries his "worst detention ever"

Al-Turabi’s family decries his
January 27, 2011 - The family of detained Islamist opposition leader Hassan al-Turabi has protested against what it calls its "worst ever experience of detention," saying that this dissident 78 years refuses to submit to medical examination and daily inspections .

The press statement on Thursday, Al-Turabi family complained that he had committed "small room unworthy of a man of his age" and was careful daily inspection.

Director of Popular Congress Party (PCP) has been rounded up and many of his colleagues have armed members of the Sudanese security forces in the early hours of Tuesday, Jan. 18 less than a day after the interview, in which he warned of the rebellion government if it fails to share power, published an AFP.

His arrest comes at a politically sensitive time when the government feels increasingly vulnerable to threats of opposition to organize street protests, given the almost certain detachment of the oil-producing southern Sudan and rising prices food compounded by an acute shortage of foreign exchange reserves.

The government blames al-Turabi interfere with safe design and construction of "murder and sabotage to overthrow the government, according to Nafi Ali Nafi, a senior official of the National Congress Party (NCP).

According to the statement of the family, the kidnappers of al-Turabi has refused to let his personal physician to examine and prohibit use of pens and paper.

The weekly visit allowed five family members are present for security guards, a statement the family said, asking the research requirements for his incarceration.

Al-Turabi family claimed that his experience in prison was his worst since his political history of arrests began during the reign of former Sudanese President Jafar Nimairy in 1964.

Al-Turabi ridden the wave of the National Islamic Front (NIF) and the 1989 coup of the brain that led President al-Bashir to power but was ousted from the management after 1999: the schism between the NIF government al-Turabi's supporters on one side and supporters of Al-Bashir and Vice President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, on the other.

Since then Al-Turabi has been in and out of detention and an outspoken critic of the government. His last arrest to call the President Al-Bashir to surrender to the ICC seeking his arrest on charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide allegedly committed in the Darfur region.