Alexander The Great

Alexander The Great
Alexander the Great, Alexander III of Macedonia (20/21 July to 356 10/11 June 323 BC), better known as Alexander the Great was a king of Macedonia, or Macedonia? A state in northeastern Greece, and at the age of thirty was the creator of one of the greatest empires of ancient history that stretches from the Mediterranean to the Himalayas. He was undefeated in battle and is considered one of the most successful managers of all time. Born in Pella in 356 BC, Alexander was educated by the famous philosopher Aristotle. In 336 BC he succeeded his father Philip II of Macedon to the throne after he was assassinated. Philip had brought most of the city states of mainland Greece under Macedonian hegemony by military and diplomatic means.

The death of Philip, Alexander Office of the kingdom and a strong military experience. He managed to be generally granted in Greece, its traditional authority has initiated plans for a military expansion to the left of his father. In 334 BC, conquered Persia ruled Asia Minor, and began a series of campaigns for ten years. Alessandro broke the power of Persia series of decisive battles, including the battles of Issus and Gaugamela. Later, he defeated the Persian King Darius III of Persia and conquered all Empire.i [>] Macedonian Empire now stretched from the Adriatic Sea to the Indus.

Later, his desire to reach the "end of the outside world and the Great Sea", attacked the Indian 326 BC, but was eventually forced to go back almost the rebel forces. The death of Alexander in Babylon in 323 BC, unaware of the planned series of campaigns has begun to attack Saudi Arabia. Years after the death of Alexander the set of his empire torn by civil war, which led to the formation of many states was dominated by Diadochi - Survivor General Alexander. Although he is best known for his immense conquests, Alexander was not the legacy of his reign, but the spread of culture has led to his conquests.

Regulation of Alexander Greek colonization and to the east has led to a new culture of Hellenistic culture, aspects of which were still visible in the Byzantine tradition until the mid-15. Alexander became a legendary hero in the classic mold of Achilles, and play an important role in history and myth as the Greek culture and greek. He became the measure against which the generals, even today, compare and military academies around the world continue to use to teach tactics.

Today, many Chinese have chosen an English name for use in business, travel, or simply to fill its capacity as a citizen of the world. Names like "Alexander" does not work well phonetically, however, you add the "pressure" on the already busy life.

Although the story is great Macedonian conqueror of his fame more than 2300 years ago, his name has lived in variants like Ishkander (Sri Lanka), Eskender (Ethiopia), and Skender (Albania), to name a few. Even China has its own version of Alexander, known as Yalishanda And it's a problem.

It seems that Yalishanda is a homonym, after a phrase that means "a mountain of pressure." No parent wants to saddle their children with pseudo ideal, especially a boy born under China's policy of one child. I really believe that the child has enough pressure on him from the beginning?

Even Chinese who are not named Yalishanda can "feel" Yalishanda. "I really feel the pressure now because I have to take care of my parents and the baby while I work," said Xiao Li, one of the "sandwich generation" many Chinese caught between the needs of their parents and their children .