Davos hotel hit by small blast

Davos hotel hit by small blast
Davos, Switzerland - It 's been a "small explosion" on Thursday Morosani Post Hotel in Davos, Switzerland, which hosts high-powered annual World Economic Forum this week, police said.

Fon Mahturos, WEF spokesman said "a small fireworks went off inside the back" of the structure.

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton is due to attend the party on Thursday night at the hotel, which is one of the most prestigious in Davos.

A window was damaged, and the police investigation. The hotel is fully functional and accessible Mahturos said.

No injuries.

Someone has the hotel meeting said the blast was so small that most of our customers and visitors do not know that anything had happened.

Swiss media say an anti-WEF had threatened in an e-mail in the hotel attack with fireworks.

Journal suisse La Tribune de Genève affirme the hôtel is used by the Government Switzerland during the forum.