Obama to Deliver Gun-grabbing Speech Soon

Obama to Deliver Gun-grabbing Speech Soon
"Tonight, Obama has not challenged the old assumptions about the need and potential policies to reduce gun violence - which he said should be done two weeks ago in Tucson," complained Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence in the nation against the second amendment.

Now administration officials said Obama will address the issue soon. Over the next two weeks, reports Newsweek, the White House reveal a very scintillating new arms control efforts to strengthen laws anti-second amendment earlier on books.

The White House used the mentally disturbed gunman accused Giffords, Jared Lee Loughna, driving background checks, but to avoid the impression that Barack Obama is the exploitation of the shooting in Arizona for political purposes in the White House is giving another speech to the issue.

Obama Cart expect a resurgence of activity on the issue of background checks before. "This is a very important and I know there will be a debate on Capitol Hill," said Obama adviser David Plouffe NBC News.

The Authority has been strangely silent on Obama's plan to move to the second change in the coming weeks.

Previously, the regulatory authority has worked with Democrats to move legislation on gun control. For example, following the shooting at Virginia Tech, the NRA has worked for a notorious gun-grabber Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, DN.Y. transferred to a bill of background check.

Last year, McCarthy had the flight ban, do not buy Act (HR 2401), a bill that will join the list on the TSA no-fly, with the National Instant Criminal Background Check System ( NICS), a POS system to determine eligibility to purchase a firearm in the United States, Guam and Puerto Rico. It was created in November 1993 when the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 (Brady Act), Public Law 103-159, became law. permanent provisions of the Brady Law took effect on November 30, 1998, has asked U.S. Attorney General to establish NICS.