Roof Rake- Streets are Clean, Now Hit The Roof.

Roof Rake- Streets are Clean, Now Hit The Roof
I think it's fair to say that most of us in the north-east and many other countries has been carefully should be here in the snow. Yesterday the school was closed the entire New York's public school students in the city and the students of private schools more. It 'was a joy to less-than-enthusiastic parents and the children woke up this morning to head to school. Commute surrounded by dangerous, because most of the roads were covered with ice, the trees were collapsing under the weight of snow and ice, and snow fell from the roof of many buildings. Who could have imagined that we would have to be a hand rake roof in New York City?

Take rakes sell like hotcakes in the Northeast. I've never owned a roof rake, but I think it's something we can look at. It was not until our neighbor was paid after I looked out our second floor and noticed the huge wall of snow on our own farm. I used to love the snow and was just as eager as children to get the first snowstorm of the season but good storms seemingly non-stop this year I changed my mind.

We commute this morning was not a picnic. First of all, my alarm did not go away, and I'm still trying to figure out why. I usually never need an alarm and go at the same time every day, but my youngest son falls ill strep throat, her sleep is off, when I have too. I also took a decongestant last night. Anyone who knows me knows that I rarely take medicine, even as children's products I can knock out, and apparently it did.

Traveling is always terrible. Even the streets have been plowed, is covered by ice, which makes walking extremely difficult and slow. Our school principal to let children dress up to date, so they must wear their school uniforms, which was a consolation, but some believe that an additional day of snow could be a better gift. Many of my friends gave their children a snow day self-imposed since the travelers were still treacherous.

The problem is that we can not continue to close schools snow days. It will only force schools to tack on extra days in June, and some parents who have already been booked for the holiday, just does not work. Teachers also say that children do not learn a lot of thoughts in recent days to school.