U.S., China Pledge Cooperation On Key Issues

Barack Obama President and Chinese President Hu Jintao raised glasses White House state dinner Wednesday night, with Obama saying that "even if it is easier to focus on the differences in culture and perspective, we must never forget the values that our people share .

"Homage to the family, the belief that education and hard work and sacrifice of the future is what we are doing, and, above all, we want to give children a better life," Obama said, listing what he called the common values U.S. and China, roasting Hu.

Hu, Obama toasting at the dinner formal state first for China in 13 years, praised the U.S. president to bring both countries closer together.

"In recent years, especially in the last two years since Obama took office, China-US relations have made solid progress," Hu said.

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"We have increased exchanges in collaboration with a wide range of areas, has maintained communication and coordination on major international and regional issues, and has played a positive role in promoting peace, stability and prosperity in Asia and the Pacific and worldwide. "

Hu said he had reached "substantial agreement," Obama during his visit.

"We agreed that our two countries should intensify contacts on the higher levels and others to strengthen strategic mutual trust through dialogue and communication, strengthen exchanges and cooperation in all areas and strengthen communication and coordination on international and regional issues, "he said.

This morning, Obama and Hu met behind closed doors at the White House for several hours that senior officials from both countries worked to meet a wide range of issues related to global economic crisis, international security, environment and rights human.

Obama presidential administration officials used the meeting with Hu stresses economic development between countries, says the approval of Beijing's $ 45 billion of new contracts for U.S. companies to export goods to China. The agreements support about 235,000 jobs in the United States, according to the White House.

The two leaders also acknowledged continuing differences on human rights, but pledged to continue working on these issues, "an honest and forthright manner," according to Obama.

Hu, who began his three-day visit to the United States late Tuesday, was entitled to a military honor guard and the revision to the White House - part of the traditional pump and circumstance reserved for visiting leaders of the great powers.

Obama welcomed Hu's visit as an opportunity to lay the groundwork for the next 30 years, Sino-US relations.

"In a moment doubt the benefits of cooperation between the United States and China, this visit is ... an opportunity to demonstrate the simple truth," Obama said. "We have a huge contribution to the success of all other nations of the world's interconnected global economy, including its -. - a more prosperous and more secure, when we work together."

Hu said the relationship between the two powers to one of "strategic importance and global influence."

The "new circumstances and new challenges, China and the U.S. share broad common interests and important common responsibilities," he said.

"Partners of cooperation should be based on mutual respect," he added. "China and the United States should respect each other's choice of core development and mutual interests."

A formal state dinner on Wednesday evening, Hu is the third time, as its administration. Of the 225 officers who participated in former President Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, George Shultz and Henry Kissinger, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, actor Jackie Chan, Governor Chris Gregoire of Washington , and designer Vera Wang. Herbie Hancock and Lang Lang, was to provide entertainment after dinner.

The last dinner of the White House State of China was in October 1997 when Clinton hosted President Jiang Zemin and his wife, Wang Yeping.

At the request of Mr. Hu, the menu Wednesday night was a celebration of all Americans who participated in the gathering of honey last summer and garden products from the White House.

While Hu was in the White House, he joined Obama at a meeting of key business leaders. The list of managers involved in the discussion included Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, HSBC John Thornton, Intel, Paul Otellini, Motorola's Greg Brown, Microsoft's Steve Ballmer, Jeff Immelt, GE and Boeing's Jim McNerney.

U.S. automakers have been absent from the invitation list, despite their efforts to gain market share in the booming auto industry in China.

Hu also met with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden the Foreign Ministry. E 'be a meeting with congressional leaders on Thursday, before going to Chicago.

The Chinese leader attended a small dinner at night from the White House Tuesday with Obama, Hillary Clinton national security adviser Tom Donilon.

Dinner provided "a bit informally to some of these discussions," the White House Robert Gibbs said.

At a press conference with reporters Wednesday, Obama said he had received a promise from Mr Hu to establish more "level playing field" for trade in the United States. The Chinese currency, "Obama said, is still underestimated - a key factor in U.S. trade imbalance with China.

Both countries need to develop a "win-win situation, as opposed to a win-lose," he said.

Hu acknowledged that differences remain on key economic policy, but promised that Beijing will continue to try to resolve these differences.

Obama said he and Hu agreed on the need to reduce tensions on the Korean peninsula and avoid further provocation by Pyongyang. A Korean peninsula without nuclear weapons remains a key objective for the two leaders, Obama said.

Human rights remained a key stumbling block and two men. The United States has resisted for decades, including China's rule of Tibet and political dissidents, as the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Liu Xiaobo, who remains in prison.

Obama on Wednesday defended his government's decision to cooperate with China in spite of these differences, emphasizing that "China has a different political system than we do" and "developmental state."

"I was very honest with President Hu on these issues," Obama told reporters, and "from time to time, they are a source of tension."

But "we can engage and discuss these issues openly and honestly," he said.

Hu defended his country's human rights situation and stated that "China also recognizes and respects the universality of human rights." At the same time, he said, it is important to take into account "the different national conditions."

"We will continue our efforts to improve the lives of Chinese people" and promote "democracy and the rule of law," he said. At the same time, Beijing is willing to compromise with Washington on the basis of "mutual respect" and the principle of "no interference" in internal affairs.

Obama rejected the journalists 'questions' U.S. fears the growing power of China, saying that the explosive growth of China's economic rise is good for the world and especially U.S. companies.

We want to sell China "all sorts of things," he said.

"We welcome the rise of China," said Obama. Washington only wants to make sure it is "to strengthen international norms and standards, and increases the security and peace, on the contrary ... the source of conflict."

While the meeting focused on a range of issues, U.S. officials continue to focus intensely on the People's Bank controlled by the Chinese government artificially undervalued the yuan, reducing the cost of Chinese exports, which would give a advantage in the international market.

Last week, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner China must do more to address its currency undervalued and dependence on exports, adding that such an approach is in the interests of Beijing, as it would to control inflation.

Senate Democrats this week to renew their efforts to crack down against countries that manipulate their currencies, with China clearly in their sights.

Bill introduced on Monday, Sen. Charles Schumer of New York and the other two Democrats to impose sanctions, including possible rates, countries that manipulate their currencies.

The senators told reporters in a conference call that the Chinese currency and trade policies of U.S. manufacturers and lower cost American jobs.

Hu dismissed the argument that price stability is the reason for the yuan appreciation, "says the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal that the rate of inflation in China is" moderate and manageable. "