Egypt braces for 'march of millions' as Mubarak cuts communications

Egypt braces for 'march of millions' as Mubarak cuts communications
Cairo, Egypt - As the soldiers stood guard and helicopters hovered overhead, a crowd of more than met in the morning from Cairo Tahrir Square scheduled for Tuesday for a "March of Millions" to demand the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak .

The Egyptian government has deployed troops at key points and reduce internet service as militants pledged to organize large demonstrations in Cairo, Alexandria and other cities Tuesday - one week after the rally began to call end nearly 30 years of Mubarak's rule.

People bring food and drinks to share. The families were with their parents, saying they came to their children. One group shouted "Down with Mubarak", while others listened to patriotic music.

The soldiers at a security checkpoint outside the square said that support for the protesters Mubarak was also in the region, which has been a focal point for demonstrations against the government.

"No to traitors," he told a pro-Mubarak group as it headed toward the rally site.

Mubarak has given no indication that he intends to relinquish power, and the Interior Ministry said Monday that it intends to close its mobile phone networks in preparation for protests Tuesday. As of 11:00 (04:00 ET), some mobile phone service in the country was still in progress.

Banks and schools were also closed and a curfew to keep people off the streets after 15:00

Be "very dramatic and perhaps even a decisive day," said Nicholas Burns, a professor of diplomacy at Harvard University Kennedy School of Government and a former U.S. undersecretary of state.

"If the military cracks down on peaceful protesters in the streets of Cairo or Alexandria, which is crucial," he said.

The army said Monday night that it would not open fire on peaceful demonstrators.

On Monday night, Google announced a new technology option that could help the Egyptians to bypass restrictions on mobile phone and Internet.

The new "talk-a-peep" service allows people with no internet connection to allow voice messages to be automatically converted into a tweet, according to a description on the Google Blog.

The political crisis has paralyzed trade and disrupted daily life in Egypt.

State television reported Monday that the crisis has cost the country an estimated 69 billion Egyptian pounds (nearly $ 12 billion), and put its economy back six months.

Men with makeshift weapons guarded neighborhoods, creating checkpoints to fill the void left when the police stopped patrolling the streets.

During the demonstrations on Friday, pushed thousands of riot and plainclothes police violently with protesters in a brutal crackdown.

After the troops of the powerful army has been a strong presence on the streets of mainly peaceful protests continued.

"The presence of armed forces in the Egyptian street is for you to protect your safety and peace", said an anonymous spokesman on state television Monday night. "Your armed forces not to use violence against the great people who have always played an important role in every moment of the great history of Egypt."

Troops have been mingled with the demonstrators in Cairo Tahrir Square, a hub for anti-government demonstrations.

"There is no aggressive behavior of the army against peaceful rallies," human rights activist Ramy Raoof said Tuesday morning. "We hope that in a few hours, the same will happen. We hope that the military escalation against us. "

Mubarak has ordered an emergency order after the 1981 assassination of his predecessor, Anwar el-Sadat. A wave of protests against his regime came after riots in Tunisia, who devoted his long-standing high on Jan. 14.

Although it is difficult to establish a solid number of deaths during the riots, the staff of Human Rights Watch has confirmed 80 deaths in two hospitals in Cairo, Alexandria 36 deaths and 13 fatal accidents in Suez, told Human Rights Watch researcher Morayef Heba.

While it is widely accepted Mubarak was grooming his son Gamal to succeed him, the plans have been complicated by the demands of democracy.

Mubarak has taken his cabinet Saturday and appointed his chief of intelligence, Omar Suleiman, provided that the vice president - the first time he has filled the position since coming to power in 1981.

Suleiman announced on Monday that he had begun to discuss the reform with the opposition parties. Speaking to state television, Suleiman said that the package of reforms should be "quickly". "Other parties have also a role that will lead to real political reform," said Suleiman.

But there was no information on what the proposals might have on the table, and there was no immediate reaction to the opposition, or any indication of which parties were involved.

Several opposition movements were represented on the streets during the demonstrations.

Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour, Secretary General of the Wafd party told CNN followers were "very active".

Rauf, human rights activist, said many people with different perspectives that are grouped around a common goal.

"There is no political group of people are leading. There is no leading figures. People are going in a very organic way ... people just do," he said .

"I am not satisfied with the revolution in Tahrir Square," said Muna al-Mahdi, his voice trembling with emotion as she spoke in her Cairo neighborhood of the middle class. "I do not represent us. It is not our opinion. We're here to stick with Hosni Mubarak himself.

"Give him two months to give him time to work," she said. "And then he can go in peace."