Jordan's king dismisses government, appoints new PM

Jordan's king dismisses government, appoints new PM
Jordan's King on Tuesday denied that his government and appointed a new prime minister, a decision followed protests demanding political reform.

King Abdullah II called Marouf Bakhit Al form a government that will implement "a real political reform," said the Royal Court in a statement.

Government intends to "act practical, fast and practical in order to start a real political reform, holistic development, and adopt measures to strengthen the genuine democracy", including the tasks, according to Al Bakhit correspondence education, which was also published .

Last week, the Islamists, leftists and union members marched in downtown Amman, in need of major economic and political reforms to help struggling citizens. The police estimated that several thousand people gathered in the Jordanian capital for the event, although about half of them showed. There were demonstrations in six other cities as well, officials said.