Protests break out in several areas of Bahrain

Sitra, Bahrain - Bahrain against the government took to the streets and lanes of defiance against the regime, on Friday, a day after the crackdown against protesters during the night in the center of the capital, killed four people and dozens injured.With chants anti-government slogans, thousands of people marched through the city east of the capital Manama to attend the funeral of three people killed Thursday Sitra."With our soul, with our blood we sacrifice ourselves for the martyrs," some shouted.Many in the crowd that the black flag or the flag of Bahrain, and some have called the security forces involved in the attacks as "criminal."There were no police in the region, but a helicopter was hovering above to keep a watchful eye on the procession that stretched thousand half down a road.The crowd sang the praises of those killed in the protests and called martyrs. Some have called the death of the royal family of Bahrain.Protesters also gathered in an area of the village of Karzakan funeral of another victim, about seven miles west of Manama, witnesses said.Most protesters are Shiite Muslims, who constitute the majority of people in the archipelago and fueled by deep political and economic appeals. The ruling family is Sunni.Sheikh Issa Qassem, speaking during Friday prayers at a mosque, described the actions of the police and military in Manama on Thursday morning as a "slaughter" the cancellation of freedom of expression. He asked: "Why kill innocent lives?"