Royal Wedding Invitation: The Obamas Won’t Be Receiving One!

Royal Wedding wedding invitations, Prince William and Kate Middleton has been sent! All 1,900 of them - most of which goes to your family and friends - was sent last week's royal wedding in April.It can not be that the invitation? Obama The President and First Lady Michelle Obama is not one to get, and there is Sarah Ferguson.

About the "Early Show" Monday morning, said Victoria co-anchor referee Chris Wrage, "The Obama has not been snubbed. Prince William is only second in line to the throne, which means that it is not an official state occasion. So are foreign heads of state are not required to be invited. "Yet it seems strange that he would not be invited ...

Weird part? The leaders of some countries were invited to participate, which makes me wonder - What are the criteria that Obama can not stand?Who else will visit England for the royal wedding? Well, rumor has it that Elton John, Paul McCarthy and Beckham will prompt this week.