Obama resurgent ahead of State of the Union

Obama resurgent ahead of State of the Union
Resurgent Barack Obama tries to define the political battles in his State of the Union speech on Tuesday and beat until the spending power Republicans.

Obama will speak before a television audience of millions when he was greeted with standing ovations and political theater in the House of Representatives, the annual address at 9:00 pm (0200 GMT).

The president said he will adopt a moderate tone in the midst of fierce partisan battles on the economy, spending and health care, since the tracks to a center position before the 2012 elections.

But the White House is also the precursor of a fundamental ideological confrontation with his enemies, calling for "investment" in America's future through education spending and infrastructure, as Republicans demand budget cuts.

In a new dimension to this struggle, an official said Obama uses a five-year freeze on discretionary spending not security, after proposing a three-year freeze last year.

The move was announced as a payment in the fight against the budget deficit swelled $ 1.3 trillion - and will be perceived as a political attempt to beat the Republican attack on costs.

Obama has promised to slowly recovering U.S. economy was in overdrive and made a word - "jobs" - the focus of his administration as it seeks to accelerate the growth of employment, with an eye on his hopes re-election.

But Obama is also a key selling point for jobs in his 2010 address, and failed to make good progress down the unemployment rate is currently 9.4 percent.

The president put the final touches to his address with key advisers, and told reporters at the White House, he thought it would go "OK".

The key speeches, the best chance of the president to reach out to voters every year, just with Congress chastised by Arizona shootout against a legislator - has prompted calls to curb the explosive rhetoric.

In a stark reminder of the tragedy, the First Lady Michelle Obama greet parents of a nine year old girl, killed in the attack, and an aide who helped save the Congress Gabrielle Gifford, its box in the bedroom of the House.

Dozens of MPs have signed a ditch system in the usual partisan seat and sit next to each other, and a nod to Obama's soaring call for political civilization after the shooting.

Aides say Obama's speech will mark a symbolic key to avoid a second Great Depression to unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of America to create jobs and growth.

Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett told the Fox News president stresses education, as he argues that the creative and innovative approaches are needed for the U.S. to compete in global markets.

Mitch McConnell Senate Republican minority leader, however, warned Americans not to be affected by language likely Obama bipartisanship.

"The president spoke in the tone of a moderate number of times ... he has a gift for her. I have no doubt do so again tonight," said McConnell.

"From time to time, the president spoke in a way that appeals to some people, then adjusted so as not to".

Republicans reject Obama calls for increased spending on education, research and infrastructure and requires a painful austerity measures.

The shock is likely to crystallize on budget deficits and proposals for the month amounted to an ideological battle in Washington over the role and capacity of the government.

A striking image during the speech line reflects the change in U.S. policy.

New Republican Chairman John Boehner sit next to Vice President Joe Biden, behind the president after the fall of his party in elections for the House in mid-November.

But Obama's move toward the center of an admitted "beating" of voters have mitigated the Republican euphoria, and found a surge in his poll ratings.

He has also seen tensions within the Republican coalition force reality will sink in.

There are two responses to the Republican Obama - an official language by the head of House budget Paul Ryan, and an online version of ultra-conservative "Tea Party" activists of the late Representative Michele Bachmann.

In excerpts of his speeches Congress has promised to fight for Minnesota cuts.

? We have seen an unprecedented explosion of government spending and debt within the meaning of Obama - unlike anything we've seen in the history of our country, "said Bachmann.

Expected to dominate the domestic political speech, but Obama will probably highlight the fragile progress in the war in Afghanistan and noted that it is on track to fulfill a campaign promise to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq this year.