Philadelphia Doctor Accused Of Killing The Patient In The Newborn

Apparently, running what the prosecution calls a "house of horrors", a doctor in Philadelphia, Kermit Gosnell Barron, was charged Wednesday with murder and other crimes related to illegal abortions later.

The doctor is accused of having caused the death of one of his patients killing seven women and viable babies illegal abortions, the Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams said.

The babies were born alive during the month sixth, seventh and eighth of the pregnancy, but their spinal cord were broken with scissors, Williams said in a statement.

Nine other people who worked in the Philadelphia office of Western medical, whose wife and sister were also charged Gosnell said Williams. The practice, known as the Women's Medical Society, is the low-income minority women for years, "he said.

Williams, if the scenario gruesome abortion clinic closed, the office of research last year, authorities found bags and bottles of being suspended in fetal scattered throughout the building. Jars containing the severed leg lined with baby on the shelf. Furniture and fixtures was a bloody, dusty and broken.

In an interview with CNN, described Williams abortion clinic as "terrifying" and provide "botched and illegal abortions."

"It 's been the horror of the house than any definition or explanation I can humbly try to give," Williams told CNN. "And it's a very sad woman, who were there, so terrible and barbaric - I care, but it was not medical - care.

"My understanding of English does not really allow me to fully describe how terrible this clinic - decomposition of the bodies, the fetus still smell of urine, stained with blood," Williams said.

Said patients often women are "very poor."

"The doctor made a reputation. Populaire now knew that performs abortions at any time," said Williams.

Williams described the death of a child alleged.

"The baby was born and had been in a cold steel table and killed for help - there is no medical reason to cut or take the scissors and placed in the neck and cut, severing the spinal cord C" is only single murder murder .. "Williams told CNN.

Gosnell lawyer, William J. Brennan in Philadelphia, told CNN he was surprised by the "length and width" of the Grand Jury report and presentation Apartment Gosnell and nine other defendants. Gosnell, hundreds of counts, including charges for murder charges first seven degrees and a third-degree murder, according to Williams and 62-page grand jury presentment's Basement.

"The District Attorney, Seth Williams, is a good guy, and I have great respect for him, but he played so close to the vest that we were surprised by the amount of charges," Brennan told CNN.

"I hope there will not jump to conclusions about this," Brennan continued. "Gosnell should enjoy the same presumption of innocence anyone in this country, if you or I get if we were accused of a crime. In the process of reviewing the Grand Jury Presentment apartment that is several hundreds pages, I understand that fees are very serious and we need time to read the grand jury Present basement and its report. "

Gosnell, 69, is an OB / GYN board certified, "said Williams.

Originally, he said, the clinic used a second physician as a consultant, he could obtain a license to perform abortions in 1979.

Two primary state agencies, the Department of Health and the State Department monitor, Williams said Wednesday at a news conference.

But a grand jury investigation found that health authorities and licenses had received repeated complaints of unsafe practices Gosnell for two decades without taking action, even after the agency learned that the woman had died during abortions in the Gosnell routine care, the district attorney's statement said.

"The (large) the jury found most disturbing is that none of these agencies have taken the time to investigate, monitor, display, access to the same clinic since 1993," Williams said during a news conference.

"I am aware that abortion is a hot topic," Williams said in his statement. "But as a District Attorney, my job is to enforce the law. A physician who knowingly and systematically abusing women patients, so that one of them dies in her care allegedly, to commit murder under the law.

"The doctor, who cut his neck with the edge of the spinal cord is a living, breathing children who survive an adequate medical care, is making a killing on the basis of the law."

Gosnell is also accused of reusing instruments unhealthy performance of procedures in the dirty room, including some who have litters and animals present during operations, and allowing unauthorized personnel to make and administer the anesthesia, including a teenage student school, Williams said.

Gosnell's wife, the Pearl, 49, Philadelphia, is also accused of providing abortions at 24 weeks or more, conspiracy and other charges, Williams said. He is not a medical license and accused of illegal abortions performed at the clinic, he said.

Elizabeth Hampton, 51, of Philadelphia, who is brother-sister Gosnell, is designed to prevent the prosecution, perjury, perjury and obstructing the administration of the law.

Donald Schwarz, deputy mayor of Philadelphia, and opportunities for health and the commissioner of health in the city said that the city has no jurisdiction to abortion clinics. The State has the power to regulate abortion providers, he said.

"For the city, we see this as a tragedy and a terrible thing for women and families involved," said Schwarz.

"It's really scary for women in the city. Highlights many women who would be like going to the exam room, he said." The way we treat the abortion is in secret, and for many is seen as a disgrace and I am sure that many women felt they had no other options.

"The message that I would get that reproductive health services in the city are safe. I do not want this change, the views of women's services," said Schwarz. "This has been a journalist unusual."

Law enforcement officers caught the "medical malpractice" in the same study hints that the doctor had been illegally sold thousands of prescriptions for OxyContin and other drugs "patients" who have never studied, Williams said.

The same doctor was rarely present, the district attorney office. In his absence, untrained, unsupervised workers, including a girl, are regularly injected with tranquilizers in women for whom an illegal late-term abortions, he said.

Among many charges, Gosnell is accused of murdering the third degree in the death of Mongar Karnamaya 41 years, Williams said.

Mongar died on November 20, 2009, when she was an overdose of anesthetics prescribed by Gosnell, "he said.

Gosnell also faces seven counts of murder in deaths of infants who were allegedly killed after being born alive and vibrant in the month the sixth, seventh and eighth pregnancy illegal abortions, "said Williams.

Gosnell is also accused of infanticide, conspiracy, abortion at 24 weeks or more of pregnancy, abuse of corpse, theft, corruption of minors, the application and other related crimes, he said.

Seven other clinic employees were also charged, according to the district attorney's statement:

- Lynda Williams, 42, Wilmington, Delaware, is also charged with third-degree murder in the death Mongar. Williams is accused of illegal workers are usually illegal activities and to provide anesthesia. He is also accused of murder for the death of the life of a newborn life, abortion is 24 weeks or more, and other crimes.

- Sherry West, 51, of Newark, Delaware, is charged with third-degree murder. It would have been an unauthorized worker in the clinic usually performed illegal operations and anesthesia administered. She also faces a charge of providing an abortion at 24 weeks or more and other related crimes.

- Adrienne Moton, 33, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, is charged with murder in the death of a viable infant born alive. It would have been an unauthorized worker at the clinic who have illegally used and administered anesthesia to patients.

- Steven Massof, 48, of Pittsburgh, facing murder charges for the deaths of two children born alive viable. Massof, a graduate in medicine without a license or certification, who had worked as a doctor at the clinic. He also faces conspiracy and other charges.

- Eileen O'Neill, 54, of Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, is a graduate of medicine who had worked as a doctor in the clinic without a license or certification. She faces a theft by deception, conspiracy, false statements and perjury.

- Tina Baldwin, 45, of Philadelphia, faces charges of racketeering, conspiracy and corruption of a minor. It would have been an unauthorized worker in the clinic illegally engaged administered anesthesia to patients and allowed his 15 years of anesthesia for patients.

- Office Manager Maddline Joe, 53, Philadelphia, is accused of conspiracy.